In 2005, I had been practicing as a periodontist for about 10 years. At that point I was really curious to know how many dental implants I had placed and more importantly what was my complication rate. I decided to establish a retrospective chart review. Having been an early adopter of digital radiography, I was able to go back to 1998 to 2005 in my digital files.

I looked back at each case and created columns on the type of information I wanted to evaluate overtime to develop a database of my dental implant cases. I then used the same format of this electronic record to incorporate all cases from 2005 onward to present. After 20 years the real time database evaluates over 12,000 implants with 25 input variables.


This database was instrumental in publishing unique clinical studies relating to real world outcomes because most published research in dental implant journals evaluates only a small number of cases in a very controlled environment, such as university settings, for a few years.

There was really a lack of large scale, long term follow up of cases representing the real world environment of every day private practice where the control of risk factors is not possible.

With the help of specialized statisticians we were able to establish the world largest private practice database on implant dentistry. By incorporating risk factors and evaluating variables we can now assess when a technique change or product use affects dental implant outcomes over a long term follow up.

What started out as a few simple questions, “how many implants have I done and how are they doing?” now provides a very rewarding research career and the opportunity to collaborate with esteemed researchers all over the world.

We have had research awards at conferences, our papers are highly cited in the literature including a recent paper which was the top read article from the Journal of Periodontology over the year 2019.

I am happy to contribute this knowledge base to the dental profession. I use it as part of my lectures and more importantly every day in private practice when I am helping patients decide on a treatment option that best suits their needs.






Long term clinical performance of 10,781 dental implants with up to 22 years of follow-up: A cohort study in 4247 patients

Clinical Implant Dentistry and Related Research/ Wiley Periodicals LLC.

French/ Ofec/ Levin

Retrospective cohort study of 4591 Straumann Implants in private practice setting: Part 1 multivariate survival analysis

International Journal of Oral & Maxillofacial Implants

French/ Larjava/ Ofec

Retrospective cohort study of 4591 Straumann Implants placed in 2060 patients in private practice with up to 10-year follow-up: The relationship between crestal bone level and soft tissue condition

International Journal of Oral & Maxillofacial Implants

French/ Cochran/ Ofec

Retrospective cohort study of 4591 dental implants: analysis of risk indicators for bone loss and prevalence of peri-implant mucositis and peri-implantitis

Journal of Periodontology

French/ Grandin/ Ofec

Insights into the Clinical Diagnosis of Peri-Implantitis: to Probe or Not to Probe

Current Oral Health Reports

Monje/ French/ Nart/ Rakic

Interproximal contact loss in a retrospective cross-sectional study of 4325 implants: Distribution and incidence and the effect on bone loss and peri-implant soft tissue

Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry

French/ Naito/ Linke

Performance of zirconia abutments for implant-supported single-tooth crowns in esthetic areas: a retrospective study up to 12-year follow-up


Passos/ Linke/ Larjava/ French

Survival and Success Rates of Dental Implants Placed Using Osteotome Sinus Floor Elevation without added Bone grafting: A restrospective Study with a Follow-up of up to 10 years

International Journal of Periodontics & Restorative Dentistry

French/ Nadji/ Shariati/ Hatzimanolakis/ Larjava

Thirteen-year follow-up of a cross-arch implant-supported fixed restoration in a patient with generalized aggressive periodontitis and parafunctional habits

Journal of Oral Science & Rehabilitation

French/ Xhanari

Trifactorial classification system for osteotome sinus floor elevation based on an elevation based on an observational retrospective analysis of 926 implants followed up to 10 years

Quintessence International Oral Surgery

French/ Nadji/ Liu/ Larjava

Clinical retrospective study of self-reported penicillin allergy on dental implant failures and infections

Quintessence International Implantology

French/ Noroozi/ Shariati/ Larjava

Two-Center Observational Case Series Describing Decay Adjacent to Fixed Implant Restorations (DATFIR) and Evaluation Case Parameters

Global Journal of Oral Science

French1/ French2/ Linke/ Lizotte

Clinical Showcase: Extraction and Immediate Placement of the NobelPerfect Scallop Implant: A novel Technique for Cement-Retained Provisional Crowns

Journal of the Canadian Dental Association


Eight-year clinical and radiologic results of maxillary and mandibular implant-retained bar overdentures carried out on Oxidized (TiUnite) Replace Select Implants placed in regenerated bone: A clinical case

Quintessence International Implantology

French/ Tallarico

Survival and Success Rates of Short Straumann Implants Placed in the Mandible: A Retrospective Study with up to 5 Year Follow-up

Global Journal of Oral Science

French/ Nadji/ Larjava

Retrospective Study of 1087 Anodized Implants Placed in Private Practice: Risk Indicators Associated with Implant Failure Between Bone Levels and Soft Tissue Health

Implant Dentistry

French/ Larjava/ Tallarico